DTM Weekly Curriculum



Finding your moment.

First is safety and respect for others. Whatever is said in the workshop stays in the workshop. The first class will be about understanding the power specific moments hold in our lives. I will tell my story of the boat accident I experienced at nine years old. The feelings of disconnection and low self-worth that came from it and stayed with me throughout my life. How those same feelings changed inside me when I addressed the boat accident through the steps in this workshop. Allowing the process of healing and restoration to begin. I will work one-on-one with participants and help them find their “moment”. Once the moment is chosen, then the process of expressing it begins. Participants will write about their moment, where it happened, who was there, what was said. Collecting the “raw material” that will be used to write their own moment like a scene from a movie. This raw material will be due by next Friday.



Visualizing your moment into a scene like a movie.

This class will be about learning the power of story and the basics of screenwriting. We will begin your first draft by transcribing the “raw material” into screenplay format. Creatively structuring your moment with a beginning, middle, and end. Changing the names of the people involved in your moment to create further distance for you. You will begin to think of a Title for your story.



Sharing and writing.

Trauma creates disconnection, and stays alive through silence. Sharing is not required in class, but I encourage it. We reconnect with ourselves and others when we share. The workshop is a safe space to speak your truth. There will be writing time in class. We will work on your first drafts which will be due by next Friday. 



Begin second draft.

I’ll read your first drafts and give you notes. You will then begin your second draft. There is a saying, “Writing is rewriting.” From here until the end of the workshop is a process of refining and rewriting your story. We will write in class. Reducing words, moving scenes, refining dialogue. Screenwriting is a creative process of cleaning up the story, making it as clear and strong as possible. You will make it your story, your truth. Your second draft will be due by next Friday. 



Begin Final Draft.

I’ll read your second draft and give you notes. You will begin your third and Final Draft. We will have writing time in class, rewriting and polishing your screenplays. Your final draft will be due by next Friday. 



Final Drafts are due.

Final screenplay tune ups and polish. After you turn in your final screenplay, I will transcribe it onto Final Draft screenwriting software. During the last week you will receive a PDF with your final screenplay professionally written with Title and you as the author. The last step is an Inner Child Visualization you will do on your own. 


Story time.

Don’t be confused, this is a 6 week workshop. If you look at a calendar you’ll see the 7th Saturday bookends 6 weeks. This final class is for closure, to talk about the experience and the conscious healing journey ahead.