Staying Busy Not To Feel

“Either define the moment or the moment will define you.” - Walt Whitman

Often when we are traumatized as children, we are defined by the moment. When we are overwhelmed emotionally, we instinctively disconnect from the moment to survive it. We bury the fearful moment like a seed that continues to grow, and then, we are defined by it.

When the traumatic moment happened, the next day, emotionally, you were a different person. The moment happened, and you began to hide that vulnerable part of yourself out of self-protection. Protection from feeling the pain that got buried. Protection from the same thing happening again. We begin to build our survival system of protection. Everything else becomes important, anything to distract ourselves from addressing the pain. Pushing it down, hiding it from the light. But traumatic pain is not like a normal memory, it won’t go away with time.

Through my workshop Defining The Moment, we go back to the moment where our feelings got buried. Sifting through all the layers. Returning to the still point where the moment of disconnection happened, fear crept in, and our feelings changed. The screenplay provides an entryway into this world, allowing you to watch yourself like a character in a movie. Seeing yourself at a time when you were a child brings understanding and clarity. A new perspective on a time that has been hidden from your view out of self-protection. Giving you solid ground to stand on, in an otherwise emotionally turbulent and chaotic memory. That’s the beauty of the screenplay, it brings awareness, understanding, and ultimately forgiveness for yourself. Defining the moment with your truth, and finally putting the energy of that traumatic moment to rest.

This work takes courage, but you’re an adult now. And you’re the only one who can save that little child inside you who got left behind. It may sound magical, but it’s biological, completing a survival response that got stuck. I believe how we feel emotionally today is directly connected to these childhood experiences. There are no accidents when it comes to how we feel about ourselves. Everything is connected. 

We all want to succeed, we all want to prove ourselves. But understanding why, and healing the why, can take a lot of stress out of the journey. Safe travels.

I’m starting a blog to share my healing journey. From this, I hope you see yourself through my struggles and triumphs. Possibly finding hope, that we all can heal deep-rooted beliefs that continue to hold us back. 

I welcome you to join me.


My Family